Normally my blogs are long with lots of details about one play or one game, but all I have today is a list of characters on an ARAM team:

You may argue that I, Xin Zhao have an interrupt, but I would have to survive long enough to attack a target 3 times. Thats 3 seconds while taunted, feared, and tanking Crowstorm. Fiddle would always fear me since I had the only interrupt.

We had about 0 good poking spells. We got poked to death until they all hit level 6 and killed our first tower. They just aced us and took 2 towers. Such a terrible game.

NOTE: (rant)This is the kind of game you DON'T say "GG" at the end. You get THE LUCKIEST champion select in ARAM ever and you act like the game was good? You SHOULD say GG after a 50 minute game where there is a lot of back and forth. NOT in a 20 minute surrender or just a roflstomp like this game. ESPECIALLY not this game since you won out of sheer luck (**** loads of it I might add)

GG isn't a phrase to say after EVERY game. Some games need to be ended with a "Sorry about those 2 DC's" etc. When you say GG after a terrible game, it's the equivalent of spitting on your hand and offering it for a handshake.