I've been gone a while. Kinda got bored of posting but I have something post-worthy this time and I have a few stories saved up.

This takes place outside of the game, in a terrifying jungle called General Discussion. This jungle is the main League of Legends forum.

I had a hunch that if I posted a thread about a topic, and that thread was bumped a lot, then more people would make threads about the same topic.

My experiment was this: I would make a thread about Skarner being UP after the patch (I do not believe this. Just an example) I made the title and the first few sentences actually about Skarner, and then after that I explained my real intentions. This way, people could mouse over my thread and think "Oh a Skarner QQ thread. You know? I think he is UP." *makes thread*

This is where things turned bad. Within a minute of me posting the thread someone came in and says something like "Don't spam with him and you won't use as much mana...?" I was thinking this was a common mistake. Then, not 30 seconds later someone makes a paragraph long post arguing that Skarner is fine.

I frantically start typing responses to the flood of people actually thinking my thread was about Skarner. My experiment totally failed. No other threads about Skarner were made. EVERYONE came on my post to try to prove me wrong.

One guy said "this makes you look like a dumbass" after a long-winded post about Skarner being "in a good place" "JOKES ON YOU. Read the whole thread" I repsonded.

It took 2 pages for someone to finally read the whole post. Oneiric was his name. THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY HOPE FOR HUMANITY.

The thread got closed from all the downvotes right after someone finished their 5 paragraph long argument against me.

I facepalmed so hard my face has a mark on it.

Hope you enjoyed this out-of-the-ordinary edition of


Stay tuned for when I actually make a decent blog!