With the popularity (I consider one comment popular) of my previous blogs I've decided to continue my Average Adventures. This time we are leaving the normal scene and going into a custom game mode called ARAM (All Random All Mid fyi)

As soon as we went into champion select my whole team begged for a dodge. We had only one person with good long range poke and that was Xerath. The rest of my team consisted of Riven, Tryndamere, Alistar and me Renekton. I don't remember the enemy team but it had tons of poke.

We just turret hugged while Alistar healed us up. When we all hit 6, Alistar initiated and we aced them! We took one turret and executed ourselves. I ended up with 3k gold to spend after that.

Later I almost got a penta kill. Slice and Dice in, stun the carry on the enemy team, Cull the Meek, Dominus, Slice and Dice after the survivors. I get a triple kill and as I deal the killing blow to the last 2...

lightning bolt...lightning bolt...LIGHTNING BOLT!

That son of a b**** stole my penta! We still won the game but I was mad at him >:(

I'm gonna be a rep ***** so if you like these pointless ramblings and QQ's, give me some rep.