One of the following is true. It's either
(a)- Renekton counters Tyrndamere top lane, or
(b)- I played against a terrible Tryndamere

From my previous blog posts, you can tell I LOVE solo top and I really like playing Renekton up there. In this game, I was playing normal draft mode to practice for ranked (pfff I will never play ranked).

My enemies pick up Tryndamere as the solo top champion because we didn't ban him. I ask who counters Tryndamere top out of the solo top champions I own and my friend told me to pick Renekton.

Here's the reasoning: Renekton is a miniature version of a burst assassin (Im no expert but I think getting in, dealing damage, and getting out is a good Tryndamere counter). Slice and Dice in, Ruthless Predator Cull the Meek Slice and Dice out. You take no damage and you take out a chunk of his HP. If you have 50 fury, you even heal for tons of health.

All this means is when Tryndamere gets close to the minions, he loses lots of health and I take no damage. Not being able to attack minions means no Fury for him, which means no healing, which means no last hitting, which means no good items, which means he is useless in teamfights.

Even in the off chance he recovered from his terrible laning phase, he wouldn't be able to do anything during teamfights. I could stun him or just use Exhaust which I picked up especially for him.

IVE GOT IT! I know why that worked! It's because I bought BloodFury Renekton skin becuase it went on sale! Thats got to be the reason.

Hope you enjoyed this average installment of:

The Average Adventures of Aegis

In future posts, please tell me if you would like more code (Like Renekton), half code, half not, or just none at all.

Thanks for reading!