Ah, this is my first blog post ever. I only joined MOBAFire recently. Anyways, onto my topic at hand.

First off, i will state i'm a adventurous player who experiments with various champions and builds, just a normal guy who's trying hard to master the game. I'm not perfectly good at every champion, but i practice. I'm also unranked, as i'm only lvl 28 at the moment

So, I've played AP Mid on one match, as Gragas, since he was free that week and i wanted to try him. I'd practiced on both beginner and intermediate bots beforehand, so i got the idea of how to play him down. When i entered the lobby, someone else had chosen Karthus, but hadn't locked in or said they wanted mid. I chose my champion and waited a few seconds before saying "I'd like mid." I assumed he didn't mind since he said nothing in reply, so i locked in. He then waited till the timer went off and kept as Karthus. First he did when the game loaded was say "Sorry guys, i'm sitting this one out. I'm Karthus, so I'll just spam R." Of course, the rest of the team was somewhat annoyed by this. So he caved into pressure and started playing. I, of course was against a skilled Mordekaiser, and was being zoned quite hard. He (the Karthus), then decided to harass me for being "nooby" and "not knowing how to play". This was annoying mainly because he was doing much worse than me, having only gotten 1/4/8 to my 4/5/2 kda. I hadn't realized there was a /mute command in the chat at the time, so i tried to mentally ignore his insults. This didn't do much since he flooded the chat with it. When i signaled for a gank, the Karthus casually came in and got immediately killed. He then blamed me for not CCing the Mordekaiser, even though Gargas' only CC is very close-ranged and would make me be in the Morde's range. After the Karth died and insulted me, i retreated back to my tower to defend it, only to be ganked by all 5 of the opposing team. I mentally admitted i should've expected it since the top had called mias, as did the bot. However, i was blamed for not being able to out-damage 5 champions while being CCed. I tried to calm myself and not rage-quit since i knew it wouldn't help at all, and i kept playing, albeit more defensively. I attempted to keep the Mordekaiser away from me using my ult, which succeeded in keeping me alive for the time being. Of course the Karthus had decided to go attempt to steal their buffs, and got himself killed by the Mordekaiser as he was retreating. I, yet again, was blamed for not keeping Mordekaiser distracted, even if it meant my death and subsequent tower loss. In the end, the other team snowballed hard on massive ganks and tower captures, and we lost. What really annoyed me was that i had queued with a friend, and he didn't stand up or say anything in my defense. I couldn't blame him for not wanting to get mixed up in the argument, but i expected some sort of friendly comfort.

Well, that ends my rant. Comment if you want, but keep it clean and constructive.