Hi guys its b3astliness, I haven't been out with a blog in a looooonnnnngggg time mostly because i didn't have any good reason to post one. Anyway im coming out with my list of some really good solo top champs that aren't really used in that way. Anyway lets get down to business.

Urgot- Urgot is such an underestimated solo top, especially with his shield and spells. Asking your jungler for blue is rather vital and if not used correctly just fails. For the following reasons he is tier 3 in solo top.

Rumble- This guy just pretty much destroys any competition solo top when used correctly. With his shield +flamethrower spam this guy becomes close to unstoppable. However he does suffer from his overheat ability which ends up hindering Rumble in the end. So he ends up being a tier 2.

Trundle- This guy is amazingly underrated and his regeneration ability is off the charts. He counters a lot of other solo tops such as Nocturne and even Irelia> However range is a huge problem for him until level and thus has to play cautiously till that level. This puts at the edge of tier 1 and tier 2.

Irelia- Even after her massive Nerf she still dominates like no other solo top, however her Nerfs were still significant putting her at tier 2.

Riven- What can I say, she hops stuns and runs away and the combo works amazingly well. Her massive HP5 doesn't hurt either when solo top. This puts her at tier 1 and should be used much more often.

List to be continued in the next blog......
Suggestions or comments for tier changes are welcome and encouraged.