Time for another post working on our mechanics: This one is about mind games and other fun stuff :D. This is a supplement to help you get better at top lane and it in itself is not a top facts (though it is useful and helps you in top lane). I will release some of these mini gameplay facts on the same day as an actual top facts as these are short, easy to produce, and has messages the whole community needs to know.

Have you ever felt like you were winning the lane, then suddenly the enemy just jumps on you when you go to harass them and just blows you up? You thought you were ahead due to the fact they had either been not playing aggressive or looked as if they did not do much damage and were weaker. Todays top facts is talking about those mind games and also the attitude YOU the player need to have to be successful in Top Lane.

There are many differeent and diverse ways to play the top lane that almost no 2 player will do the exact same, although many will fit the sub categories I will list below:


A player who is a farm focuses their goals on farming over trading or harassing the enemy champion, these players are typically very passive and want to farm up and be able to carry the game later on.

Farmers will typically have a bad early game and will have a strong latye game. EX: Nasus

These players will try and establish who is Boss, they will give up some creeps if need be to make sure the enemy does not get them. They will play very aggressive in lane as if they have a gank coming even if their jungler is nowhere nearby.

This person will typically play someone who has a strong laning phase and can control top early game. EX: Garen

These Players will continue to push as the game progresses, even if it means there team is in 4v5. They will get turrets in exchange for their team have a weaker fighting force. Alternatively they can use this to pull an enemy away from a high priortiy target like baron and use it to gain an advantage.

This person will typically be someone who has a lot of attack speed and mobility who can push and escape if needed. Ex Nidalee

This person will push the lane and then go gank another lane for his team to aid them

This person will typically play someone with a very fast clear who can roam and gank after. Ex: Singed

Player: This person is pretty standard does a little bit of everything, will generally just lane and then go help his team.

This person will typically either be playing a champion for the first time, or be playing a jack-of-all trades champion like Wukong.

Player Behavior:
How you conduct yourself in top lane is very important to the game.
How you want to be:

Be nice to your team, Do not yell at them, call them feeders, or scrubs or anything of that degree. If they start trying to trash talk you ignore/mute them and go on with the game, Do not distract yourself on such menial things. People will listen to someone who is playing well and is not acting like a douche, if you know what you are doing in the game you can make plays to win the game and carry your team. Be humble, there is no use winning if you said mean things to the enemy team and get banned, do not even risk it. If you would not want something said to you in their position do not say it to them, everyone has bad games you have to understand this, Your team will not want to follow someone that is being a **** to the other team. Do not yell at your team for playing a champion or saying things about a champion you have different beliefs in your beliefs are yours and theirs are theirs, everyone has their own opinions that you probably cannot change, You can tell them your beliefs but do not try and force them upon someone else. Do not blame junglers or mid laners or anyone else in the game for your deaths or mistakes. They were yours, YOU made the call to go into those situations and even if you did not you accepted it and went along with it. Treat this as a game and treat others as you want to be treated respect others or you yourself deserve no respect. If you want to win be a GOOD player, and a role model for others. A game won as a douche is a game won for no one, as you gained nothing out of it but possibly making another person feel bad about himself.

Hope this helped you to become a better player and learn more about player styles and other such things, League is an online game although it is sometimes hard remember there are other human beings at the other end of the computer you are playing who are just like you.