First of all, I'd like to say thank you to ALL of the people who commented/reviewed my guide earlier. I really appreciate all of the feedback on it.

Regarding my Darius guide, there's going to be a huge update TODAY.

A lot of new stuff is coming in. There will be a helluva lotta more information than before, some match-ups that I forgot about/are new will be added (I need to see more of that Kha'Zix guy, though, I think he will function similarly to Rengar on toplane), the jungling section is going to be revamped completely...

Anyway, it will be BIG.

Back to the topic at hand...

I love supporting, when the team is competent enough. Contrary to popular belief, supports can make humongous plays too and most of them are so skill-dependent it's not even funny. See Janna or Alistar.

I do most of the job that is required for a support. I ward constantly, protect my ADC whenever possible, respond to ganks and possibly zone my enemies out of experience range.
But sometimes I get carries that are just unable to win the lane even with my help. Graves players that don't fight at all / respond to my initiations, Ashe players going all-in on any given occasion and dying... There's a lot of people like that.

It's not that big of a problem if I'm playing someone that has strong potential as a roamer / a lot of mobility (Ali, Blitz, Nunu & Willump), but it really shows if I'm playing Janna. If you're playing with her, you always gotta be on your toes and take advantage of her great CC and shield. To tell the truth, I haven't seen many that are up to that challenge in normal queue.

I usually do well in teamfights after the laning phase, but when it goes really bad, then... well, I just go FUUU and /ff with the rest of the team, being left with the feeling that I could've done much better. Then I don't play support for the rest of the day haha

That's all for this entry. Hope you wasted your time by reading this instead of playing. HAHA TROLLD MUCH

By the way, my another guide will feature a certain champion. Who likes to shred. :)

See ya around.