Hey guys, this week I'm going to take EVERY jungle champion and let you know which jungle item to buy on them. Most of this is based off of MY opinion. They aren't set in stone so feel free to argue. Just know that this comes from watching the pro scene diligently and playing at the highest levels on a regular basis. If spirit stone is the right call I'll also give you the correct upgrade path as well. If I don't mention a champion its because I don't think they are a jungler.

This will just be done alphabetically.

Amumu - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Ancient Golem.

Cho'Gath - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Ancient Golem.

Dr. Mundo - Spirit Stone - Spirt of the Ancient Golem.

Elise - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Spectral Wraith.

Evelynn - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Elder Lizard (burn OP).

Fiddlesticks - Dorans Ring - Zhonyas

Gragas - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Spectral Wraith.

Hecarim - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Elder Lizard.

Jarvan IV - Preference - If you want to focus on early counter-jungling or they have a lot of AD go Madreds, otherwise Ancient Golem is very strong on him.

Kayle - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Elder Lizard.

Kha'zix - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Elder Lizard.

Lee Sin - Madreds.

Maokai - Madreds - Philo Stone (personally I like this build on him a lot).

Master Yi - Madreds.

Nasus - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Ancient Golem.

Nautilus - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Ancient Golem.

Nocturne - Preference - Madreds is good, only go Spirit Stone if you are going to build Elder Lizard. I prefer Madreds.

Nunu - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Ancient Golem.

Rammus - Madreds (this one might surprise some people but he needs it to speed up his clear).

Riven - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Elder Lizard.

Sejuani - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Acient Golem.

Shaco (ewww) - Madreds.

Shen - Madreds.

Shyvanna (ewww) - Preference - I've seen Madreds work well and Elder Lizard work well.

Skarner - Spirit Stone - If you want damage and are ahead Elder Lizard but most game just build Ancient Golem.

Trundle - Madreds.

Udyr - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Acient Golem.

Vi - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Elder Lizard.

Volibear - Preference - Madreds and Ancient Golem are both very situational but I lean towards Madreds on him.

Xin Zhao - Same as above.

Zac - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Acient Golem.

80% of the Champions listed build Ancient Golem. It's just such an overpowered/cost efficient item. 2Kish gold for 500 Health, 10%cdr, regen, AND tenacity. BROKEN.

Happy hunting y'all let me know if you guys have any questions.