Hi everyone,

I'm just a casual player who is actually in Bronze II and who feels that he could go a little higher, like silver... I don't overestimate my skills, I just think if I could be matched with people who stay in games, I would be able to climb a little.

That's my intro, now let's go to the point I want to talk to you about: Countering...

Everytime I read the word counter in the chat, I feel like « Whoa, this guy got it all set, he's really a good player ( sarcasm here)». I think that countering exists to a certain level but you can always be a better player than your opponent and still beat him, even if he's supposed to counter you. I have the impression that all these countering theories are like frightening stories that only scares 12 years old kids. They're here to stay, they're gonna pass from person to person and in the end, it will be deformed. It usually happens to me that two different players have opposite views on who counters who.

Even if you use all these Elophant stats, ou can't know for sure who will win a lane. If LoL was a 1 v 1 game, these graphs would be really accurate and you could see some tendencies in countering. But because it is a team game, there is too many x in these equations.

With that, I don't want to say that I pick always the same champ hoping that my opponent will be bad. I try to adapt the best to what I have in front of me. The thing I wanted to say with that is that people should stop whining when a player lost his lane to someone who he is supposed to counter. The enemy is maybe a better player!

So stop talking about countering and just have fun playing characters you like!