Well I actually told this to one guy who was asking about one of my guides but I'll say it in this little blog post. I won't be posting anymore guides. The reasons being:

1. Tired of troll votes or hate votes.
2. Tired of getting votes (both upvotes and downvotes) that only say "good guide", "bad guide", "nice build", "noob build", etc.
3. Tired of getting votes from people that are so freaking lazy that they won't even make good reviews for guides.

So yeah those are my reasons. I've spent 2-3 hours minimum on every guide I've written and I'm grateful to those that actually gave good detailed reviews of my guides despite upvoting or downvoting cause that doesn't really matter. So if you've ever voted on one of my guides and have given me a full review of the guide I thank you very much for that. I might update my Rumble guide or I'll archive it...dunno to be honest. And at best I'll probably be updating my current guides if there's any major changes in league or something like that.

I'll still be writing on my blog so if anyone constantly reads my boring blog posts then feel free to keep reading cause I try to make new posts every day :D and if I'm boring to you..meh..I sometimes bore myself so I won't be offended if you tell me that lol :D

Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas to everyone that isn't a troll voter or a hater :D
