Came up with a somewhat good schedule for this blog. Instead of just blogging whenever I feel like it I'll blog about specific stuff on each day. Here's the schedule:

Mondays - My league related stuff. This includes my ranked matches the previous week, what I played, how my matches went and all that other stuff.

Tuesdays - LCS discussion day. During Tuesdays I'll talk about the LCS matches during the previous week. I mostly watch the NA LCS but I'll try to talk about EU LCS as well. Sorry to the OGN/LPL viewers :P

Wednesdays - Manga Chapters day. I don't think too many people will read these posts but I do read the Naruto and Bleach mangas so I'll talk about the new chapters on Wednesdays.

Thursdays - Anime series review day. On Thursdays I'll pick an anime series I've watched, want to watch or don't want to watch and I'll talk about it. I already did a huge blog post that includes reviews for most of the animes I've watched but these posts will include more detailed reviews.

Fridays - Break day or Free Topic Day. If I'm feeling lazy or I'm not in the mood to make a blog post Friday will be an off day for me. If I do feel like making one though I'll just pick a random topic and I'll talk about it.

Saturdays - Champion review day. I'll just pick a champion at random and I'll talk about him. If I play him I'll explain what I like about him and what I think makes him strong/weak. If I don't play him I'll explain why I don't and what I don't like about the champion.

Sundays - My Light Novel stuff. I'll talk about the Light Novel I'm writing on Sundays. That includes what I'm working on atm, what needs to be done next what I've done during the week, etc.

So there you have it. I'll do my best to follow the schedule. If I don't make a post then I was most likely really busy with something during that day or I was unable to make the post because of something. I'll start following the schedule on Monday next week.

Thanks for reading! =D