So the season for ranked play is ending soon and it seems like I will end up in Plat again. I kinda had this feeling when I hit Plat that it would be the highest division I'd ever get to. One part of me does kinda believe that. That part of me also believes that I just can't be a special player and I could never been anything other than an average player.

But the thing is, the other side of me screams that I can be good because I've shown signs that I'm not just an ordinary player (like having way more game knowledge than your usual player). And that side of me doesn't want to give up on ranked just yet.

So even though right now I don't really feel motivated to play ranked as much as I used to be (because season is almost over and it's 99% obvious I'll end up in Plat), I feel like I'll be really motivated to play after the ELO reset.

Also, things are changing for my ranked play in Season 5. From now on, I'll take things more seriously. I'll do my absolute best to not pay attention to my teammates and to just look at my own play and myself. I will also start looking at replays of my games.

My PC will still be a problem for me but I'll try to play as best as I can despite the low fps. I believe that even with low fps, I can still be a great player if I try hard enough.

So I'm really hoping I can finally reach Diamond next season. And maybe even more!

Thanks for reading~! <3