So I had a 50/52 Win/Loss Ratio in Ranked so I figured..why not try and at least fix that before the season ends. So I listened to this song called "Hall of Fame" (I'll link it below) for some inspiration and:

Game 1 - Played as Singed against Malphite. No kills for either one at top lane but he did lose his turret and my teammates were constantly fighting so it's a miracle we won. I actually went in Kamikaze mode and made it my mission to kill their carries (Vayne and Orianna) so we won.

Game 2 - Again as Singed. This time we completely dominated and they surrendered at 20. Funny thing is I played against one of my counters (Teemo) and I beat him. I dunno why but I always somehow beat my counters..dunno why and how.

Game 3 - They didn't give a **** about where I wanted to go and since my Ez was banned I had to go AD Kenny. Early game it was like 12/4 for us and Jax was mega fed. Then Shen starts split pushing and no one peels for me so they keep killing me with Leona + Skarner initiation. Just when it looked like we were gonna lose they derped hard and Skarner blew his ult on Jax. GG

Now my Win/Loss Ratio is 53/52 so at least I fixed that. I gotta say..I didn't think I would win either of those games but whenever I had trouble I just thought of that song I listened to and it inspired me to do my best to win ^_^

Thx for reading.


P.S - Changed the color of the text just for you MissMaw. Do you like this one?