Finally, finally felt like doing this again, I had initially intended a different subject for this blog, but as I got to thinking, I'll push that topic aside for blog #4 in exchange for this:

The final member of my ranked team just recently hit 30, Our team was together for a while, we were just waiting on our last member. I don't know when we plan on actually doing a ranked 5v5 but that isn't the point of this blog. I figured I might get a start of the ranked feel, and start doing solo/duo queue as well. Hopefully with a partner, as I dislike solo queue.

Speaking of solo queue, I might just have to grin and bare it in normals, It gets boring waiting for people to play with. There is either no one available or every one wants to get me in a game at once. Also playing bot games in the intervals of "drought" isn't the best way to stay at peak performance.

Thanks for reading, those of you who did, more glory to come, and when it does, I'll be here to blog about it, hahaha.