Solo mid aka AP carry

Probably the easiest role, but still can be problematic. Your jungler may not understand you don't need that freakin' blue. Your other laners may not understand it's only their fault if they can't see your lane enemy going to their lane. They will blame you for not saying "ss" when they are pushing unwarded, but won't say a word of their own until you will be turret dived by entire enemy team and noone would even bother to help you. And it will be only your fault for getting mid turret destroyed.

Solo top aka AD bruiser

Your jungler goes for red and tells you to protect blue alone. You get ganked by entire enemy team and killed with Ignite despite your perfect Flash. First blood OF COURSE goes to your lane opponent. Who cares, when you are 1v1 you totally run over that bastard, overfarm him hardly and kill him a few times remaining unbeaten despite them being baby-sat by their jungler and your own not even noticing your lane's existance. You go 15/2 till mid game ends and then witness how your entire team fails at late, dying like idiots all the time. And you lose 25/5 getting some random reports for that goddam first blood as well.

Solo bot Ekhm, AD carry

Your entire team never understands that the only thing you need to is farming till you are strong enough to roll over your enemies. Your support doesn't exist, is either AFK, trollpick or just goes feeding and has no idea how to play support. You have to buy wards yourself, so you rush Wriggle's Lantern and get flamed for troll build. You basically play 1v2, overfarm enemy AD carry and then get ganked by enemy jungler and mid lane under your own turret. And then you escape, but your support dies and so does your turret. When your jungler finally comes to gank, they go 2v3 at enemy's turret and cry that you didn't help them. At teamfights all enemy team focuses you and your own has no clue they should protect you. You get stunned by Ashe, Leona, Nautilus and Morgana, but you somehow manage to escape, though your team loses teamfight. Then you are flamed like omg that carry so useless or dat carry no damage at all etc.


You have no influence on the game whatsoever, but it's only your fault if you lose. You lane with AD carry, who is a total moron, has no idea how to lasthit or dodge skillshots. Easily killed by enemies, that shouts that you don't help and they only die cause of you. You do no damage, cause you have no items, cause you cannot kill or lasthit. And still you have to buy wards, wards for every single lane, cause they cannot buy them themselves. You automatically lose every 1v1 encounter, but if you run from the teamfight when you're about to get killed you get flamed for not helping your team. And of course, you don't do much damage, so you are useless. Uselessly reported.


Oh gosh, ha ha ha, so you play jungle? I pity you so much. There's no worse position you can play... You get ganked, totally counterjungled, enemy team has wards all over your jungle, but your own doesn't mind to help you in any possible way. Not even a single pull. You're underleveled entire game, but you have to lose even more exp and gold for doing ganks. And you are instantly flamed if any of your teammates dies. It's only your fault you are not on their lane 24/7. It's only their fault if they cannot put wards. It's only your fault mid cannot dogde skillshots, bot cannot lasthit and top cannot see enemy jungler coming to their lane. Basically, everything is your fault. You are flamed 24/7, you help 1 lane and meanwhile get flamed by the other two for not helping them. Mid wants blue all the time, even if it's there, your support won't ever ward drake, but it's your fault it enemies take it. It's your fault you lose creeps and exp while doing ganks. You go 5/0 and are reported for trolling and assisting enemy team. If you are playing junglers like Warwick that cannot gank before 6... Oh god, you are so reported.

Ok, that's all for today. Mhm, maybe just a little joke to call it a note.
-xyz, where's ss!?
-in Germany