Haven't kept up well with this, so going back two days remembering games so the summaries are gonna be kinda short.

Game 14: Jungle Jarvan IV

Bot lane got demolished. They had a Twisted Fate/Shen mid/top and they used it quite well. We still should have won the game, gave them an easy Baron because our team wasn't ready to contest. Our Master Yi got a Quadra even with them having Baron, but the next fight he went in first and got insta killed. Game was over from there.

End Result: Defeat -21 LP 82->61 1/5/17 197/172

Game 15: Top Wukong (Purple Side)

Bot lane get railed again by a Miss Fortune. I lane against a Garen who grabs two kills on me at lvls 6 and 8. Garen counters Wukong really hard with his silence, but thats no excuse. However, I outfarm him, and everyone in the first 20 minutes. But unfortunately while I am still defending my outer turret, the other two lanes are pushed to their inhibitors, forcing me to go help out, giving Garen two free towers. We probably could have won, but we had a toxic ADC Tristana who refused to cooperate after we called her out on feeding. I tried to give her constructive advice but she was having none of it. We actually won a couple fights because I was so fed, but their Miss Fortune was too strong, and we also didn't have a mid laner. Lux got owned by an AD Tryndamere (not sure how). I maybe should have come to help sooner, but didn't wanna give them free towers. Those kinda games are always hard.

End Result: Defeat -18 LP 61->43 10/11/15 197/173

Game 16: Jarvan IV Jungle (Blue Side)

Pushed like a boss this game. I would gank and then push hard. Our Vayne got really fed, but then started acting like a complete ******. She would try to engage fights and just get blown up. We had taken two inhibs, but then were throwing because Vayne thought she was superman. So we threw for a bit, but then they decided to Baron when they should have just kept catching us out, and I stole Baron and we ace'd them. Pushed and won.

This would have been a textbook faceroll game but Vayne going Rambo really hurt us and almost caused us to lose. She wouldn't listen to any of us telling her to be careful, and build no defense against their fed Master Yi.

End Result: Victory +17 LP 43->60 3/4/18 198/173

Game 17: Kassadin Mid (Blue Side)

Everything gets called leaving me with Mid. For some reason, enemy Mid locks in Katarina, which sucks for the first five levels, but Kassadin should never ever die to a Katarina after 6, or ever really. We had a really good Singed who did well roaming, and I start 1/0/6. After that it was just total destruction, I get extremely fed and can one shot any of their carries. Really easy game and first win with Kassadin in ranked.

End Result: Victory +19 LP 60->79 14/2/13 199/173