Game 18: Kassadin Mid

Had a decent jungler, but Mid and Top were both really bad. I didn't do very well either vs Elise, but only died to ganks and in fights. Lame game all around.

End Result: Defeat -18 LP 79-61 199/174

Game 19: Jarvan IV Jungle

Had a Garen who just didn't know what he was doing. Started with a Doran's Blade and gave First Blood at lvl 1, died three more times before 6. Mid got crushed as well. Bot lane did fine, but it was way too late by that point. Hopeless game.

End Result: Defeat -21 LP 61->40 0/1/4 199/175

Game 20: Taric Support

Had a really good team, won all lanes and pretty much facerolled the game. Got decent ganks, but didn't really need them, was a pretty passive lane just farmed it out and let the other lanes destroy. Easy game.

End Result: Victory +17 LP 40->57 0/3/12 200/175

Game 21: Taric Support

Had a beast of a Talon on our team, made plays all game and carried it. Nautilus was decent but had a bad gank where enemy Shen ult'ed in and killed us. But an easy victory due to Talon wrecking the whole game. He missed his Q on a gank and we should have just backed off but went in anyways and got counter ganked. Don't gank bot lane when they have a Shen with ult up!

End Result: Victory +19 LP 57->79 0/1/14 201/175