Game 22: Jarvan IV Jungle

What a dumb game. Locks in mid Master Yi, then doesn't want to lane versus Kassadin go he goes top. "Don't worry I'm good." All ins level 1, forced to recall, teleports back in and gives First Blood. Mid Lux had 75 cs 25 mins in. I get Vayne to 6/0, but she is really bad positioning and can't carry. Enemy team was really bad as far as I could tell, but nothing we could do with a non existant Lux and Master Yi.

End Result: Defeat -18 LP 79->61 4/1/13 201/175

Game 23: Jarvan IV Jungle

Exact same score, different results. I told the team to group, and we grouped very well, roaming as 5 and picking up objectives. Short game, dominated not through skill, but through teamwork. Great game props to my whole team.

End Result: Victory +16 LP 61->77 4/1/13 202/175