Hey folks! What few of you do come on here on the now and again, you were probably wondering; where are your thoughts on the last two patches!? Well, I have some, Ekko is some crazy stuff man! Lovin' your multitude on references on that one Riot.

So, where have I been you might ask? Well, work happened; yeah, it's summer, kids and adults alike are out of school, and I wanted to make some extra cash for the summer to repair some damages on my car, buy some microtransaction stuff from Riot, Path of Exile, maybe Wildstar once it goes F2P, etc. Additionally, I think I'm in need of some weight loss, not a ton mind you, I'm pretty below average to average of your typical American stereotype, so I've been working out. With my job, and working out, I've been coming home tired, and have wanted to relax and rest up. Additionally, Steam is being bogus with a ton of sales that won't stop grabbing my attention as far as games I want to play!

So the short of it all? Procrastination strikes again, and I don't think anyone would be any more surprised than I once I figured that out. So, I figured I'd humor those of you who follow me with some of the things I've been playing recently, and maybe a bit about what I plan to do in the future. Just so you know, I still plan on doing my thoughts on the patches, maybe not as frequently, and it may not stay long. It was a novel thought, but unless I continue to play League consistently, my opinions are kind of moot in my own opinion. So I'll provide a handful more until I feel I've nothing left worthwhile to say, so look forward to that. So, to fill you guys in a little bit on what I was playing, since MOBAFire isn't against that, or so I've been told. No hate if that person was wrong, I totally get it on a site meant to be about League. So, here goes!

Game 1: Ziggurat
Guys, I don't think I've had NEARLY as much fun with a rogue-lite since Binding of Isaac with this game! It's a first person shooter! ...WAIT DON'T LEAVE!!! I swear, it's not like Call of Duty! It's more like Quake, and most of you 80s to 90s kids liked Quake, right? The basic premise of the game, which isn't heavy on its story more on its gameplay, you're an apprentice who is on their final test to join an elite group of wizards which is highly selective. The final test only a few apprentices have ever walked away from alive, and most of the time without all of their limbs. Your test is to enter a dungeon that randomly regenerates itself with each new wizard apprentice that enters, and try your best to pass it. Word to the wise not used to rogue-lites; you're gonna die. Yeap, it's hard, but every time you die you're gonna unlock something new you may encounter in your dungeon! So it's a game mechanic! I love it, it's fun, it's old school like Quake is, and all the weapons are based on magic! I say go try it out!

Game 2: Valkyria Chronicles
It's a JRPG! ...GUYS STOP, IT'S GONNA GET BETTER! Per the norm, so far as I've played this, the story, which is a lot like WWII but with a new coat of paint which looks a lot like it's old paint color. If you've played Xenonauts or X-Com, you may like this for it's gameplay; it's basically squad based with a bit more involvement as to how you shoot opponents, as you'll go third person to decide where and what at to shoot at. So far, my problem is A; enemies will only shoot at your currently controlled unit during your turn when you're controlling your units, rather than constantly shooting nearby units, y'know, like a real war, but it's a minor gripe of mine since you do it to your opponents to and its lead to many an entertaining kill, and B; the second boss fight is currently kicking my nards, because you need some pre-knowledge about what the boss will do and what will happen to do the fight properly. Bet I could beat that boss now, but lord, before there was no way. Still though, try this game! So far, so good in my book, and I remain open to it!

...I've also found two very familiar characters from Skies of Arcadia in the game...was super stoked when I saw that, but it's not a selling point, just thought I'd mention it.

Game 3: Race the Sun
It's a survival racing game? Oh, oh NOW I have your attention! Oi... Just kidding, I know I'm putting opinions and words into your guys' mouths. It's one of those games that if you got an hour, you can totally use that hour on this game and call it a day. The goal is to, well, race the sun! Well, actually, if you wanna get technical, you're trying to race the orbit of some fictional planet, but eh technicalities, you're still racing the stay in the sun to keep going! You have goals to complete in order to unlock content, so the game expects you to continually get better, and gives you gear to help you make longer runs, which is super cool! Without the sale, it's not a bad price either, I say go check it out!

Game 4: Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1
Hey, another JRPG! ...Okay, those of you who DO hate JRPGs can go now, it's one of those games. I've played very little of it, but so far, the story has me hooked. Word to the wise, if you hate horrible voice acting, change that shizzle from English to Japanese. What intrigues me about this game is that the combat has some Skies of Arcadia inspiration to which the combat has some tactics and movement to it, on top of being turn based. You'll notice immediately the primary characters introduced with this game, three out of four of them have some nice...assets, let's put it that way. So yeah, this game is going to have some fan service, heck, I've seen some already! So if you don't want any of that, avoid this game. I haven't played enough of this game to give really fair judgement on try or pass on this one, but so far it has me intrigued.

Oh, I also unlocked a dungeon early on, and died to a rabbit boss. Gives you an idea of the difficulty curve of the optional stuff...

Alright, so that's what I've been playing and tried out. So, what are my plans for the future on MOBAFire? Well, I've said I plan on doing a few more thoughts on patches, I also want to talk more about video games I'm playing with first impressions and perhaps reviews, perhaps I'll do one on Path of Exile sometime, and do some more opinion stuff, my own rantings, what have you. It depends on what I can get away with until the admins tell me "that's enough, off our site with your personal blogs," that I'll stop. Again, willfully, as I know this site is about League. So guys, may you all become champions in your own right, and I hope I'll keep blogging, and keeping the few of you I may have now entertained.