A few weeks ago, a competition was organized where fans of the FnaticMSI League of Legends squad got the chance to play alongside FnaticMSI.Mellisan and FnaticMSI.Cyanide. With four fans on each side, the two Season 1 Champ's went head-to-head with their fans. The match was streamed live by Cyanide but for those who missed the action, we're giving you a second chance as our FnaticTV crew will be casting the event for your pleasure.

The event will take place on Saturday at 17:00 EST, which means it will be a late show for the European followers, but don't worry, the stream will be uploaded to BLIP.tv and own3d.tv in order to give everyone who wasn't able to catch it live a chance to watch.

Joining our FnaticTV member Jackie will be Shaun "FourCourtJester" Delaney, who together will be bringing you some great coverage of the FnaticMSI.LoL squad in the future. This is first of many events planned, so make sure you keep up-to-date as we will be bringing you some great coverage included with the fnatic.com website changes that are incoming.

VoD Link: FnaticTV or BLIP.tv (coming soon)

PLEASE NOTE: This is the first of many upcoming special events, including interviews, live shoutcasting of scrims and much more! All suggestions and feedback is welcome.