Today, 2 minutes ago i played the last ranked match of my personal season 2. I was 1 game away from gold, 9 elo from 1500...i could almost smell the gold. I always deemed myself unworthy of gold, because i always thought: "man, you only get trolls and haters because the matchmaking wants you to carry them. If you can't, you are not worthy of gold." So i just kept playing. Not thinking elohell exsists or something. No, it all depends on me.
But the last game was different.

Our Vayne got fed vs their Tristana. Suddenly our top, jungle, mid and Vayne just start to run around alone/split and were perceptive to ganks and ambushes. Vayne charges half HP in to chase and we get pooped on. Suddenly the tables turn. EVERYONE flames eachother except me and mid. We remain silent. He was propably thinking the same as me: "chill, vayne is still fed and we have jax. Just hit latemage"....but no, arguing keeps going on, who was to blame, jax, vayne, gragas or riven? When Jax died trying to do dragon well knowing it was warded with riven together, i knew who was to blame. The spanish jax who kept QQing. In the end we lost. Not because we suck or something.
But because of the arguing.

And that is how i lost my last chance at gold. Even if i deem myself gold level skill wise and yes, i know i am gold worthy, if i cannot carry with whatever i am playing, i am not worthy yet.

... FML, i got kicked of the server and now relogging takes 2 hours. Guess that's it Fugger.
The End.