Hey guys,
the last days I started to play Dota2 as I got a beta key for it.
That's why I couldn't really write any blogs and also didn't really play LoL for a while now.

Sorry for that but LoL is pissing me off at the moment.
My main roles in the team are jungler and support. Everytime some lanes don't work it's my fault because "I don't gank", which I do, or because "I am a fail support", which I am surely not as I saved many many people in several teamfights.
Last game we had one random guy in our team and he played Yorick solo top. He startet with a Doran's Ring and pushed like hell against an Irelia... Then he got ganked by their jungler and died. And who's fault was it? Right, it was mine... I didn't gank top when he pushed to the enemy tower and it was also my fault that the jungler arrived just at this moment...

It's just anooying to see people who obviously do not play well but blame others for their mistakes.
Does this also happen to you? What is your opinion about blaming the jungler or the support for everything? Do you blame others for your mistakes?