Hey folks,
I couldn't find the "post blog"-button anymore. Sorry for not posting anything for so long time.

I have written the next parts of my Nocturne guide. That's why I wanted to ask you, the readers, if someone could offer me his spare time to read and correct/improve the texts for me... If someone out there has the time to read a few texts, please contact me via PM or comment on this blog entry.

Another thing I wanted to tell you is that I am back to LoL. I will get new internet in 1 or 2 weeks, so I will continue to play LoL more and more again. I noticed that I get many many appreciations when playing Janna and I think that I will start to play some ranked games as Janna. This will mostly be solo queue as I have no ranked team and I do not know who I should form a ranked team with.
If you want to play my AD carry, please contact me via PM or comment on this blog entry, we will switch to duo queue then.

Thanks for reading.
Have fun!