Ok so I've been playing Twitch forever, or it least feels that way. One thing I've noticed is that early game dictates the match as a Twitch. Some games I get a good early start and I just end up hyper carrying. Sometimes I get a slow start and have maybe 1 kill or 1 death at the 15 minute mark and neither side of the lane has pushed in to the turret. I'm looking for some tips by more experienced Twitch players on how to in the early game.
As I play unless my support is playing aggressive and is one of those supports that can put that pressure on such as a blitz, thresh, alistar, I play very defensively, focusing on last hitting and avoiding the pokes of the enemy team. My preference is to start with Death's Dance (an unusual start i know) for its life steal and CDR. Since I know I'm not the best out there and i'm going to make mistakes and take some damage I build life steal to keep me alive. I have noticed a decrease in early game deaths since I started this way. I used to start BOTRK But i found it to be a small help overall, at this point in the game.

Standard build in order is usually (in order, give or take) Death's dance, Zeal, boots, Runins, Berserkers, BOTRK, and after that will usually depend on the game. My usual item pool includes, Infinity edge, Essence reaver, blood thirsters, Phantom Dancer, Lord domincs, Duskblade, Mercucial Scimitar and Static SHiv)

Anyone have any critique of this style of build? Anything I should look out for, or just any tips for beginner twitch players