So then, I suppose it stands to note that I seem to be skipping every other entry here. Ah well, I'll get the others in another post at some point, though I'm sure it won't be nearly as detailed. Without further audeui, I present to you my rendition of my sixth victory straight with Caitlyn in a normal. In this case, the sixth case being a draft match, I am quite proud of how I did overall.

Lane: Bot
Role: ADC
Champ: Caitlyn
Endgame total score: 7/1/4
Support: Nautilus
End Build: Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Berserker Greaves, Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper
Gold total: 15.3k

Our lineup:

Garen, Top
Lux, Mid
Warwick, Jungle
Nautilus, Support
Caitlyn, ADC

Their lineup:

Singed, Top
Morgana, Mid
Trynd, Jungle
Janna, Support
Miss Fortune, ADC

So again, early on, I got pretty well dominated by the MF. I'm starting to notice I really need to work on my early game with Cait, I usually have a much easier time with other champs, but I do make it fairly hard to gank bot lane from any standard routes. Other than that, my harass could be a whole lot better. Perhaps I'll do some more customs to work on that, but back on topic!

As you know, dueling with a MF generally ends poorly for almost any ADC, and even Caitlyn isn't an exception in my opinion, though if you manage to get a trap off on her, she takes a severe disadvantage. This Miss Fortune didn't maximize the potential of her double up very well, the majority of the time it just hit minions. I used the opportunities she presented with trying her double up to take pot shots at her with my peacemaker. I have to say that I'm quite proud with how my progress on making these skill shots is coming along, and making them hard to dodge. I successfully hit 23 out of 30 peacemakers on either the adc or support, no matter if they went into the bushes or not, not to include when they stepped on traps.

Either way, I wasn't particularly dominant on MF early game. Overall, I'd give my performance a 6/10, compared to her about 8/10, and not a 10/10 given that she didn't land a single double up. Still, due to a few ganks against them, they lost their first tower before we did, and we managed to keep the pressure up. You'll notice that my creep score was particularly high--I did a good bit of extra farming, though I made sure I was there for team fights. I only got caught out once, as my score would suggest, and the one time they thought they caught me out aside from that, it turned out they walked straight into a classic bait at their blue.

Garen carried us pretty hard this game, and overall, not to much else to say about that. He got killed 3 times... for his 16/3/5 score. He dominated every fight he was in, to include an incredible number of jukes and slides to evade 4v1's when our lane went top to try and gank him. Despite their best efforts, we never lost top tower, and Garen pretty well just face rolled them any time they decided to be unwise enough to step into a bush.

End of the game, I had the most overall damage, but had slightly less damage to champs than MF, due to people walking into her ultimate. I may have to start trying that ulti, it be quite damaging. Either way, 7/1/4 is the lowest of my scores so far, but overall, I'd say I'm quite pleased with how I'm progressing. At some point, I may start doing ranked, but I doubt it will be particularly soon.

To all the other low-elo (yes, I know, elo no longer exists, lemme alone I still like the phrase) players out there, I wish you good luck and decent matchups.

To any high elo players that somehow find eyes to read this, may fortune favor the bold, and many hats off to you for being bold enough to enter the arena.

Hah, I always did have a flair for the dramatic.

One final note: You'll notice that I don't say much about the support, despite having put a word in for just about every other position. I'm working on it, but I actually tend not to pay much attention to my own support, given that more often than not I'm working with my fiance, and I know quite well what she's going to do, who she's going to stun, etc. I myself play support Nid, Taric, and Nunu, and it's not fun for me to spot such oversights in my own work where I could/should easily correct it. At some point I may actually come back and edit each of these blogs once I can see the reviews, just to see exactly what my support did each time to make me succeed, given that I know for a fact that the bot ADC without a support is... well something of a bad gamble, at best. With that said, I can say for sure that I know that several of the nautilus pulls and ultis netted me kills, as well as in prior games, several nami bubbles and waves netted me many kills. I know that when I next play nid support, I'll be much more conscious of what I'm doing, to say the least. Please forgive this oversight on my part, and thanks for reading!