Hello, I'm Gundammeister00, a 1300 player , or more recently a Silver 3-5 player. Even though I'm really low on the scale, I know many pro players, and pretty much I'm the 3rd worse in my family ( out of an extended family of 11, 5 are gold, one is plat, the rest are silver). I have gathered input from my family and some personal friends to share in sight on the TOP 10 champs in the game. Note that this is ranked play speculation, and ofc is my family opinion, where are play styles are very aggressive-high risk gameplay ( we hate shaco and lee ).

10. Kassiden

Oh man Oh man, the pubstomper. Kass has dominated mid for a long time, and even when he is countered, he is countered hard, kass counters a LOT of popular mids, such as ziggs, ahri, and cass. Even in a countered lane, he can still safely farm, never fearing an attempted dive or gank, and he snowballs very hard. The reason why he is 10 is simple: Even if kass counters you, you still have 2 very popular jungles and 2 very popular bot lane combo : Maokai,Lee, and caitlyn taric. They pretty much can make sure kass can't get away, or make him waste one of his Rs. Even so, an end game kass can still be very scary.

9. Urgot

The high-play adc, where newbs should stay away. It's very hard to play a good urgot. So hard, in fact, you will never see this guy in silver or low gold game play. He is harder than the 3 queens( cass ori syn) and all 3 seem better than Urgot. But what urgot brings to bot lane/top lane is a scary lane. Ganking urgot is probably the stupidest thing you can do. You cannot zone urgot in bot or top lane, due to he can search you out via Q radar. His ultimate is a good steriod plus a good disposition. But ofc, only a few people can master urgot, and there are better adcs out there.

8. Katarina

Another mid stomper. Pretty much the easiest mid out there, its hard to fail with kat. She fits on many teams, especially teamfight based teams, and she beats a lot of mids, even a few AD ones. She has great clutch kills, and is hard to gank due to a low CD blink.She can be aggressive without consequence like kass, and does more damage than kass. But she does not bring any CC to the team, and High skill gameplay kat is easily focus. Another wonderful thing kat does end game is takes the enemy focus. That's bad? No, that is great. You have to constantly see where Kat is in the teamfite, and she can fake an ulti and bait a stun, a stun better used for the adc. Even if kat dies, probably you just used unknowingly half your CC capabilities, and the ADC will eat you without fear of a taric stun. Why kat is 8 is because like all assasins, you can beat her with a very broken item: GA or Guardians Angel. Even if she does kill you, her abilities do not reset, so you can go ahead and kill her without fear.

7. Taric

B4 Leona, Sej, and Naut, Taric dominated the supp role. His stun easily out beat sor and sona early, and he has many team steroids that compensate his loss to Alistar and Blitz, who weren't even supps back in preseason 1. Taric ensures that non blinking jungles will never get you, and is a good synergy in ganks himself. He can even outdamage a lot of supps himself, besides naut, and ofc the team steroids are the best out there. Ofc, having only one CC means he losses out to multiple CC supps such as Naut and Leona.

6. Blitzcrank

"Bann blitz? Are you newb? You can't hide behind minions?"
Hehehe, that's when you know someone is newb. Blitz can miss ALL of his grabs, and still end up changing the game with one grab. Ofc many of you know this, and I feel bad for you if this has happened to you. Even bad blitz have incredible zone and team presence, and sieging is a very stupid idea vs Blitz. He has a lot of base damage, and is the hardest supp to catch. He is just so fast, you can't even stun him long enough to catch up.

5. Akali

Level 6: Sorcs, Hextech Revolver
GG to even AD mids. A good Akali can dominate any lane, even vs a lee sin. Akali is one of those weirder champions. Due to her single target emphasize and only one farm tool, Akali falls off mid game. But endgame akalis, DO NOT LOSE. Ever. Doesn't happen. Even with a lack of CC akali will still own almost anyone 1v1 endgame full 6 items. And if you fed akali early, prepare for the worse. She will either do 2 things:Shut down enemy midlane, mayb even push tower, and constantly gank bot lane. Or: Farm mid all day, killing the mid lane or jungle if they even dare show there face past turret range. Akali isn't all that ofc, because playing safe is akalis biggest counter, since she wasn't made to farm, and needs to snowball to be any good mid game, where she is pathetic if she doesn't have her hextech gunblade yet. That stealth is very useful since it negates minion aggro and does one thing other stealths do not have. Constant stealth, for 8 secs. You can play all kinds of mind games with that shround. You can zone, you can juke. It makes you just scary as hell. You can even nerf her ultimate to have 2 ammo, and as long as she has bubble, she will still be dangerous.

5. Ezreal

DAM! This guy, THIS GUY, is OP. Amazing kite, dumbass powerful ultimate. Team buffer, works on almost any team, and should be permabanned in ranked. He brings so much to a teamfight, very hard to gank, and very hard to focus. Focusing ez mite be the hardest thing for many melee champs such as xin and tryan, and coupled with iceborn gauntlet, you can't even run away from him if he hits you once. His skill shots are easy, and his ultimate isnt that hard to land.

4. Xin Zhao

This guy is a bad ***. Ye sure, when he fails he fails hard, but really, how can you fail wit Xin? He has so many attack buffs, so easy to focus ADCs with(besides ez ofc) so great in a teamfite, and to top it all off, VERY VERY EASY to play, why would he not be in anyones top 10? He snowballs hard, and his jungle is stupid scary. An early BC in top lane means the shen will not comeback, and has few lane counters. Staying to fight Xin is ******ed on ur part, so do not do it.

3. Karth

Really? Karth? He has horrible lane!!. Yes he does have a horrible lane, but endgame he is a beast with zhonyas. His slow is 2nd best in game, first being the new Thresh Ulti, and his ultimate can give you a penta. Being a map presence is enough to ensure bot lane has a safe farm, and ganking him can end up in giving a kill or 2. Even when he dies he is annoying, which is funny, because your not suppose to be useful when you die. His lane mite be bad, but vs certain skill shot based champs a karth spells death, specially vs lux or ziggs, who has slows that can be avoided with the correct assumption.

2.Wu Kong

The Monkeyking. Dam this guys. A good wu never loses. EVER. Even vs a lee a good wu will win. That clone is so strong, and such a good bait, wu pretty much is guarnteed a good safe lane. And that ultimate. Due to that ultimate, Wu is stupid strong on any team. Even stunning him won't stop the madness, and a WW will think twice b4 he decides to ulti a Wu. Wu fits on any team, and his Q does a lot of damage, and is very low mana for its power.


DAMM DAM DAMD AMD AMDADAMDMADMAMAMMSMDAMDMAMDMADMM! I hate it when people do not bann amumu. Yes you can end his jungle. Yes you can dodge his stun. But amumu is a ticking time bomb of death and unending unhappiness. Amumu isn't a tank. What is he then? Simple, he is GODDD! Amumu does so much DOT, and does a lot of base for a "tank". You know the ones I'm talking about, the ones who can chase you all the way into inhib, and not die to turret aggro. Even MR will make you lose out to amumu, and mundo has no chance vs an amumu if amumu lands most of his skills. Who can beat amumu? No one. Who comes close? Vayne. Should she be focusing the "tank"? No. So Yeah, end of story, Amumu is God.