Hello! - Gazpacho Here!

I work with a close dear friend of mine (mentioned in the description on my profile) called Gazea.

There's a lot that separate us on playstyle, such as I'm the more brash and up-front, glass cannon most of the time who deals out the damage while he's the more tactical secure and careful.

We work together oftenly and we're both very approachable, If you want tanks, and much more potential survivability, I recommend Gazea - If you want damage with some tips, I'm more of the guy you want to see.

Gazea is also a main time jungler - So go to him if you need help on jungling because he has a lot to offer when it comes that way. :)

So to just summarise

Gazpacho (Me) - Damage, Midlane, Mainly casters, Roamer.
Gazea - Tank, Jungler, Survivabilty, Well-rounded, Variable.