Wow. I just fell to the ULTIMATE noob fail when I was choosing my summoner spells. I did my common choice, support Janna with teleport (wasn't level 12 yet for flash) and exhaust. Lock In. Once everyone locked in, a team mate in chat said "what's up with smite". Three seconds later, I saw the worst thing, 5 seconds left before game started and me, holding onto on to smite. I rushed for smite to change it to something useful. I was so close to grabbing to exhaust, I even considered grabbing heal because it was closer.... Never made it :(
But on the bright side, out teams Nunu used his ult and got himself a nice quadra kill. Just glad I didn't also fail and accidentally cast monsoon, because that would be considered greifing, and I would surely get banned. Made the enemy team surrender though, so yay :)

But just wanted to remind you guys, recheck that you have the right summoner spells. It Would really suck if you though you though got heal but really got revive (because revive is useless, full time).