Mobafire, I need your help. I've decided to write a Pokemon Fanfic which Pokemon fans refer to as Altoshipping. If you don't know what it's you can look it up. But in short, it's the idea of the main character of Pokemon, Ash Ketchum, coming together to with a Pokemon, Latias. Just google it and you'll find enough about it.

Now I would like, if you're interested to comment on it. I'll upload 1 Chapter every 1-2 days depending on how much time I can get together. For those who enjoy Pokemon, comment on the story, the characters. Are they out of character, not acting like they should. Could the plot catch interest? Anything to do with the content. Are you not so interested in the actual story? Then help me work my grammar, spelling etc. A neverending love

Is the title bad? (I hope not) But I would for you guys to read through it and give me criticism, as said either about the content or my actual writing.