Introduction: Due to recent nerfs in her power by mysterious force from above, Evelynn was no good for anything but scouting, still as cunning she made a plan how to pay the bills with scouting - doing the shows where she presents her work, and you just entered one, ladies and gentleman, you are presented with the most disrespected, humiliated and underrated lady of Valoran, Evelynn!

*Suddenly a great applause is heard as out of nowhere on the scene steps Evelynn in her tango outfit, taking the speaker as she yells out*

Evelynn: Hello there, Noxus! How are ya?!

*The crowd applauds some more before calming down as Evelynn continues*

Evelynn: Oh ****ers came on a good night, good night! Tonight, we will show that I am not the only one humiliated here..that I am not the only one who makes mistakes, and that I am certainly THE only one to blame!

So guys, you know that **** blond hair we call Lux? *the applause is heard in recognition of the name* Thank you, thank you- so, let me ask., what is exactly that girl’s problem? Luxanna, is here real name if no on knows, uhm..that name was ****ing made up. She was probably called Anna or some **** and then when her hands suddenly started to beam with lightly she went "Oooh, wait, I am LUXanna..yeah, yes." and Lux is ****ing Latin word for light.

So you all noticed her on battle-field, far away with light all around her and honestly..who can she hurt, and what the **** is that? I mean..give me a ****ing flashlight, okay? Don't use hands or wand, just give me a flashlight and I'm fine, thank you.

Oh, also since I am pretty much useless to fight I got really close into her face while she was using her giant *** glowing ****. looked sort of like this, and I think it ******ed, probably my amazing bikini body.

Oh yea, that is the planet people from above, called "Rioters" are on..and I hope they are watching this one..oh I hope..

While at "Rioters" those ****ers are going down on me so hard, just because I unlike flying OP fox ***** Ahri won't do them, I tell you that army has descended upon me, and my hate mail and threats are literally "Tomorrow 2am or we nerf Irelia" ..which is as always their answer for everything.

OP ***** fox - Nerf Irelia

Bat**** OP ranger ***** *cough* Vayne *cough* - Nerf Irelia

OP Troll - ..let's just nerf Irelia

Poor girl suffered so many ******** heart attacks and lives, now that is worth of some ****ing respect!

..look at the screen for a moment please.


•Equilibrium Strike
◦Damage reduced to 80/130/180/230/280 from 80/135/190/245/300
◦Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 9
◦Ability ratio reduced to .5 from 1
•Transcendent Blades damage reduced to 85/135/185 from 90/140/190
•Base health reduced to 515 from 575
•Movement speed reduced to 320 from 330


•Bladesurge damage reduced to 20/50/80/110/140 from 20/55/90/125/160


•Bladesurge mana cost changed to 60/65/70/75/80 from 70
•Transcendent Blades damage reduced to 80/120/160 from 85/135/185

*Applause is heard as crowd laughs, Evelynn snickers to herself taking a sip of the water by her table*

So, I managed to get to go on a freaking roast all the League's champions were going to, wanna hear all the behind the scenes dirt?!

*Audience hails with expectation as Evelynn jumps with excitement*

Now that's some spirit, well the gossip was off the whole way and honestly, -**** was going DOWN-, everyone was just tearing everybody to shreds, but no one went down more know it **********ers, no one went down more than our oh-so-straight Taric!

A lot of people were joking about his sexuality even if he denies it, and damn right I support him, I mean what kind of proof do haters have? know except him making out with some dude before the battle and trying to dress up as a woman, but let's not look at details guys! Don't look at the details..

Oh, there is someone else I spotted! Yes guys, your beloved princes, Katarina! Oh yeah I got her and she was uhm..let's say..having..quite a -struggle- with Garen of Demacia, I am not saying anything but they went back behind the curtain and he was thrusting his sword..huge big sword at her, she screamed and..came out with no wound..*Evelynn rolls eyes around while speaking in irony* he either..-aims- bad, or..or she got ****ed up like a **** *Evelynn quickly rises her hand and says* -ALLEGENDLY-.

*As audience applauds and laughs Evelynn takes her bow as she says*

Thank you, Noxus you were such an amazing audience, thank you for all your money- I mean love, and good night!