Remember the 6-8 PBE update? Lots of goodies came out of that one, didn't they? ARAM Map, New Skins, and some new splash arts. Between the Jayce files and the incomplete skin textures, there was also a lot of "not for our eyes" sort of stuff plugged in there.

Thanks to an anonymous submitter, we now a few more goodies from that particular update. This generous submitter was curious to what else the patch may contain and chose to dig even deeper. Below are the fruits of his curiosity.

Obviously these files, taken from the 6-8 PBE Client, are bits and piece of things not yet completed things and I should remind you that everything I'm presenting below IS TENTATIVE. I'm just going to be making stabs at what the files could be part of, based on their names relative to how other files are named; I don't have any sort of insider knowledge or anything.

New Champions Stuff:

Starting off, there are a few interesting names included in these files. There are a ton of files labeled as "DarkSovereign", "Diana", and "Xara" , so I'll start with them, as well as a few files relating to "Teek", "Seth", and "Hexmage"

DarkSovereign seems to be one of the bigger working champion names to pop up. DS has a load of abilities and animtions packed in including what seems to be abilities called "Void Ball", "Nova" ( probably her ultimate ability ), and "Q Missle"

Speaking of Moon themed abilities, "Diana" is next in line. She, too, has a lot of abilities included in the files, such as " Penumbra", "Moonlight Sword", and "Lunari (Pulse?)", as well as something to do with a lance.

Under "Xara", there are a lot of odd nature related files - "seed", "oaken enemy", "twilight", "vine" - as well as a bunch of references to abilities of other champions ( "megaadhesive", "eyeofthestorm", "sapling" ). Based on the first point, this could be the nature mage that Morello made mention of a while back?

"Seth" seems to be a sand based champion with only one clump of files, seemingly it's "W" ability as that pops up in the file name.. This is probably the "dry" champion Ezreal mentioned ( near bottom ) that is NOT an Egyptian god.

The next entry, "Hexmage", has very few files associated with it, but boy does that sound like a working name or what?

Lastly we have "Teek", who appears to have an "infest", "scent", and "invis(ability)" files. Perhaps this is another stealth champion slated after the work?

New Skins Stuff:

There seems to be a new "Greek" Cassiopeia skin in the works. This should ring out pretty well with the community as Cass tends to be one of the most neglected champions, skin wise. ( ninja edit, it would make sense if this was the Greek LoL launch skin, similar to our most recent Pantheon skin )

Dreadknight Tryndamere, as mentioned in a previous post, has several files floating around. I can only assume this is going be in the same vein as Dreadknight Nasus and Dreadknight Garen.

Similarly, Glacial Malphite and "Lubu" Jarvan, both of which have unmapped textures, are present.

Some pretty neat stuff, if you ask me. These shots are all sliced and diced from screen caps of the files, viewed Skin Installer Ultimate ( a simple way to browse .RAF files ). If anyone can shed some light on these ( perhaps they are always hanging around or are from abandoned champions? ) or has anything to add, feel free to comment!