As has become normal, Skin Spotlights devlivers with some fabulous content - The profile "ability" videos for Jayce, our next champion! He seems to have two abilities for each button, one for when he has his Cannon Deployed and one for when he has his Hammer deployed. Enjoy the video below:

Still coming at this with rough guesses, here is what his abilities seem to line up as ( compliments of reddit and names possibly tenative):
Q - To the Skies / Shock Blast

Hit and Slow

Extra damage shot

W - Static Field / Hyper Charge

Aoe Damage

Attack Speed bonus

E - Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate

Knock back on next hit

Shots go faster and do more damage when passing through

R - Weapon Swap ( Deformation / Transformation ? )

Weapon changes and you get some sort of bonus ( or passive trigger ) and first attack is different.