Hi - this is my first post and it's really just a placeholder and jumping off point for future work.

I'm NewBott, my 3rd Summoner name (didn't like my 1st or 2nd attempts)...I have been playing LoL for about 6 months and am level 22. I have only played 4 "Normal" games and Won just one of those - I spend most of my time trying to get some consistency and some confidence playing 5 v 5 against bots...I am not exactly sure but I believe my win % there is 97% or higher.

I have sucked at this game -- done everything wrong except one thing -- I didn't quit or let my focus and effort wane. Early on my game stats would look something like 0-8-2...sometimes I might see a 2-5-5...other times I might see a 0-12-0. I am happy to say that this has changed. Not to the image of perfection but most certainly a visible sign of improvement...my average finishing stats have changed to look more like 2-5-12. Yes I still sometimes tank a game, I don't know why...but I am focused on improvement.

Very recently, specifically in the past 2 or 3 days, I have noticed that I am finally settling in to what I consider an acceptable level of performance...my finishes lately are more along the 5-0-15 line...a place from which success can grow. My focus is almost entirely on that middle number...this has led to success with the other two.

Anyway, I have much to learn.

Here is a list of my Champions and a "rating" (out of 10) assigned by me based on my experience with that Champion. (These experiences must be expanded and diligently pursued for these ratings to really mean something.) I have sometimes included a short note...these will be expanded on and developed...I expect that all these ratings will improve with an improvement in game performance on my part.

Morgana -- 7. So far my favorite...has a mix of abilities and attributes which allow me some survival and some killing power.

Hecarim -- 6. My first most favorite Champion and still one I like playing.

Dr. Mundo -- 4. Have liked him from the start but now wonder "Where is the magic?"

Miss Fortune -- 6. A hasty rating given after only 2 matches in which I had some immediate success and could feel the potential in her. I look forward to learning her.

Ashe -- 5. Nothing spectacular but certainly very solid in approach and practice.

Poppy -- 3. Had two wonderful introductory matches and have been obliterated every time since then. I know there is something strong here...I have got to do some serious work to find it.

Sion -- 4. Almost the exact same story as Poppy except not so Obliterated.

Alistar -- 4. There is an elusive something with this one...I've glimpsed it.

Katarina -- untested.

Tryndamere -- untested.

Ryze -- untested.

Master Yi -- untested.

Fiora -- untested. I am really looking forward to this one.