Hello readers,I'm a young LoL player from EUW,been around since like April 2012,but went inactive mid season 2 due to technical stuff.So,as this is my first blog,it will be more introductive.

My favourite roles are(in descending order)top,mid and jungle.I really like versatile heroes that can be played on more lanes,some of my favourites would be:

I have 250ish normal wins and 1399 TOP ELO in preseason 3(1351 atm) I don't want to go really deep into playing ranked for the moment,I still want to buy some heroes and runepages etc.Consider these games as a test.

My most succesful champion is Katarina,I played 8 of my placement matches with her(yeah,lame,i know)just to be sure i won't start at -200 ELO.Atm. I have like 72% winrate,wich is not really that impressive at this ELO,but it's good for me.

I am looking to improve as a player,and i'm looking to develop a unique playstyle that will leave a question mark above my enemy's head :)

I am training Elise atm,in normals,trying out different bulids and stuff,and trying to get better at the champion itself(ANY TIPS ARE WELCOME IN A COMMENT OR BY PM).So far my strategy was to harass the enemy,then,if I felt like I can take him down,I'd go for it.This was sort of a double-edged sword,there were times when I won top easily,and there were some times when i got shut down cause of my agressive playstyle.Yes,I'm trying to go Voyboy mode,since he's the one that made me want to buy Elise.

So,this is it for my first blog,I'll be posting after every game just to let you guys know how bad I am.Any constructive criticism is welcome either by sendind me a message or leaving a comment here,excuse my spelling mistakes and the long wall of text.Cheers !