So we all know that the MOBA community is awful, nothing to do about that. But what I don't get is, how stupid people can be. And I know that people that ***** to riot are mostly 12 to 15 years old, but this does not limit them to think.

Whenever a patch comes out, everyone talks about it, without thinking. "Oh, the game is ruined, time for HON" -.- really?...I don't want to live on this planet anymore...

Like when the new jax came out, everyone was like, "OMG WHY NERF JAX?" when actually he was buffed in more cases than nerfed. And now people sit quiet.

Now Lee Sin is getting nerfed, and everyone is talking again...ugh :@, Y U NO UNDERSTAND?

Riot have made the best free to play game out there, and most people just spit at their face, IT'S FREE, YOU DO NOT GET THE RIGHT TO COMPLAIN!! I love Riot, and I hate to see them get down-graded, because of a some childish...ahh, nvm

anyway I would like to hear your guys thoughts on the matter

keep owning
