So can you ?
- The answer is yes.

You indeed CAN carry bad ADC, within limits of course.
You can prevent ranked losses, because of bad ADC overall for not forcing him/her there, if she/he doesn't feel comfortable there and says so. You can't teach him how to ADC in 1 game, but you can make the experience much better for everyone. You can't do anything for him, you can't tell him how to position or creep, but you can ADVICE him!

Things are easier if you know how to play against poke/balls deep or certain pick bot lanes. I will propably make a another blog post for that, we'll se. Let's get into the subject now;

So if you still manage to get ADC fanatic who is bad, there are few things you can do.

1) Pick supports with high CC or saving abilities and who can take the damage

- Supports such as Thresh, Lulu, Leona are really good. CC gurantees good position for late game team fights. Same goes for lane. Their ADC CC'd = No damage and your ADC can afford mistakes little bit more. - Aka support's that can make plays.

2) Help your ADC to take creeps

- You can help noob ADC to take creeps by several ways. One is giving abilities that give extra damage or AD. The most common way of loosing cs is attacking before or too late. Under tower you can assist him by attacking on creeps that are on half hp and he can't 1 shot and doesn't realise to hit it between tower shots. You can also just hold the lane from going to tower, so your ADC doesn't have to cs there. You can't help your ADC to get 100 cs in 12minutes if he sucks at it, but you can feel OK even if you save him 13 CS which is 1 kill worth of gold.


- You are the one who makes the calls. Make it clear that he knows when you go in, ADC follows. If you make the good calls and know when you can win the fight, you will do so much better rather than him making the calls.

4) Predirect and learn your ADC flaws and DONT RAGE at him

- Most common flaw is that your ADC doesn't know when he can win the trades and when to win the fight. This comes from point 3) also. If you see your ADC constantly loosing trades or gets out positioned, advice him/her that and be sure that you give him shield for example before he goes in or CC the opponent. Using pings is very clear way in this situation, spam dat attack ping on ADC, if you can win the trade. Spam retreat ping when you see enemy jungler coming to gank you or you just can't win the trade. Some trades are not winable or even worth to spend resources, because you know your ADC is dead anyways, but you can try to make some trades less worse by assisting, rather than you standing there: "WTF DID HE/SHE JUST DO ?"

5) LICK DAT ***

- Your ADC wins trade ? Gets kill ? Gets a creep ? Damn, even when your adc dies..
SAY GOOD JOB OR GOOD TRY! If you say good job, he most likely wants to perform better in order to get more praises. IF you go flame him "WTF YO, NOOB ADC REPORTED" --> WILL underperform and heck possibly troll after that. Flaming helps nobody.

Creds to Gregidot

6) Keep vision and get your jungler to gank

- This may be overall tip even, but this is so much more important when laning with bad ADC. If you do not have that upper bush warded or river warded when ADC overxtends, the result is often getting caught. If you have wards and you have pings to communicate with, use it. If the upper bush of your lane is warded and he sees 2-3 guys sitting there, he won't overextend and won't get caught. Lane wards are really important, because people tend to go facecheking the bushes or be afraid of them. Like their enemy ADC may even get away with 10hp, because your ADC was afraid of bush gank. More often it's baiting and their jungler may be there to whoop your ***es. With ward in there, you can maybe get the kill and escape or just survive and waste their junglers preciouse time.

The above content approves for at least Gold also.