Hello friends. Diamond 2 jungle main here.

Here are some tips and tricks that will hopefully win you games or improve your gameplay in the jungle. It's very rare that I see a jungler do these at any elo. Early points are like 1 big combination, just a small note.

1. Start from the opposite side of red buff if you're playing a jungler that benefits from it. You don't want to spend red buff to clear jungle camps with it. You want to have red buff when you're going to go gank lanes. Red buff should be your last or one of the last camps if you're focusing on ganking. This does not apply in 100% of the cases, read point 2.

2. Start from the opposite side of jungle of the lane you want to pressure. If you want to pressure top lane, start from bottom lane jungle. Decide which lanes are worth pressuring, for example: you might want to pressure bottom lane if the first dragon is infernal, read point 3.

3. Pressure your best lane that can snowball/carry/has gank potential. Do you have a Soraka / Ezreal bot lane? Don't focus ganking bot. Do you have Syndra dying twice to a Akali mid lane? Don't focus mid, the guy is not trustworthy to carry. I don't mean you should abandon your other lanes by this but your focus should be in the lane that has the best odds to carry, read point 4.

4. Get your laner with the best carry potential fed and tilt the enemy laner. If you have like Irelia top lane against a Riven, you go and kill the Riven. Ward before you gank and go get him (partially point 5). Let's just assume you get the kill. Shove the wave to turret and go hide in a brush because 80% of top lanes are not aware of this and teleport back to top lane at the middle of a minion wave. Guess what you're going to do? You will go back there and kill the top laner again.

After this you recall or take enemy jungle camps because you have a top laner and they don't. As soon as the Riven gets back, you kill her again. This is a very viable tactic as the first blood turret gold is 400G which is perfectly split with jungle/top. This gives such a huge lead.

5. Tired of being counter-ganked? Always leave a ward before you enter a lane if you are afraid to 2v2.

6. Don't ever tax more than you have to when ganking a lane. If you gank and kill someone, the laner gets like 150 gold which is 1 minion wave worth of gold. If you proceed to take 2 minion waves after the gank, that's 150 gold and lot's of xp away from your laner. Always shove minions to turret if there's like 1 wave and your laner is unable to push fast but every piece of gold you take is away from the advantage your laner could have. What I do is attack the minions so the laner can just last hit them with auto attack or with 1 ability.

7. If you see enemy jungler bot lane, go take his top side of jungle because there is no way he will get there anytime soon. You clear the whole jungle and leave a ward to a exit point out of his jungle. What this does is when the enemy jungler goes back to his top side jungle, there is nothing left and the next option he has is to go bottom side of jungle or gank the nearest gankable lane but you should see this because of the ward or you can just ping him for your laners nearby. This way you're 1 step ahead of the enemy jungler so you can act accordingly. You are controlling the enemy junglers action in a way.

8. Try to use smite buff for raptors for the vision clear

9. Try to always have smite up for ganking if you have red/blue smite.

10. Place pink wards near lanes to give laners vision and to give yourself a position to gank from.

11. This is more of a high elo strategy as it requires knowledge from ally too but applying pressure by showing up in a lane to either zone enemy laner away from farm or to let your ally farm a huge minion wave that is building up in a unfavorable match up. Most of the people don't understand the reasoning behind showing in a lane purposely. You can just walk through mid lane to let your ally farm safely for a while or you can zone the enemy laner away to give your ally even more advantage in a good match up.

Let's use an example. You have Kassadin vs Varus. Ally Kassadin can't do anything pre 6 and has 2 minion waves going to his turret and he normally couldn't get more than 1-2 out of the 14 minions which is like dying once in mid lane. Scenario 2: You walk across mid lane and your Kassadin gets like 12/14 minions. This is a big thing for the Kassadin who can destroy the Varus after few levels and items. This works for other way too if your laner is strong and you want to force enemy laner off the minion wave so your ally can freeze the wave and deny the enemy laner from farming.

This is really hard to explain but I hope you get what I mean here. I'm not saying you should show up in mid lane randomly without any thinking process because it doesn't have any effect besides showing your position to enemy team.

This is it for now I guess. Will add more things if I can come up with any. Feel free to ask questions below. I'm also doing free coaching, if you're interested, hit me up with a pm.