I love writing, coming up with new ideas and I always like a challenge. I'm not the best at writing, and I'm sure I still have a long way to go but I think it's fun and I can improve If I keep at it. Now that you know a just a bit about my passion for writing, let's get started:

As I thought up two new champions and posted them on a thread, I also thought about what my next blog would be about. And just now I got an idea! How about you guys give me a challenge on how my next champion or Item idea should be?! What? What do you mean you don't understand what I'm saying?

Alright, so all you have to do is give me a specific set of details the champion or item must have, such as a rival, a birthplace, amount of skill shots, amount of passives, whether it is a ranged or a melee (I'm not sure about items though) etc. And then, I have to come up with a balanced and good champion with the given specifications. You'll rate me for how good the task was completed and how good the champion is overall.

I think this could become quite a nice game if you guys are willing to accept a challenge from me after I complete yours. If you think of others way to make this challenge game more fun don't hesitate on telling me about it. Let's hope this goes as good as I think. Cause it's my first time xD