
First game of the day and a win, yay!

I was third pick and after a huge misunderstanding in champion select, I ended up getting Warwick random'd to me, which was fine since I wanted to solo top anyway.

Game started off pretty normal, no first blood attempts. I was laning against Shyvana who never really gave me any trouble. Our bottom lane got first blood after a gank from Gangplank and pretty much dominated their lane from there. Mid lane was in Brands favor pretty much the entire game as well, he managed to pick up a few kills on Cassiopeia with some help from Gangplank.

At level 6, I managed to kill Shyvana with an ult - ignite - Q combo, she tried to stay in lane way too long. Game was pretty one sided at this point, we were up 6-0 in kills, 2-0 in towers and 2-0 in dragons. Everyone continued to control their lanes well as we went into mid game.

15 minutes in, my team started fighting for Dragon as I was pushing top, we ended up losing 2 people but taking the dragon and I managed to get 2 turrets down top during that entire skirmish. I ran mid and cleaned up 2 people who ran from the Dragon fight at low health and we proceeded to take down the next turret.
We gathered for Baron to clear wards and force a fight. Vayne got caught and died instantly so we picked up a free Baron, pushed down mid inhibitor, aced them and ended the game 33 minutes in.

WIN-LOSS: 55-52