Currently, I am not improving my guides, nor updating them. Although it'd be nice to, I'm rather busy and the process of updating a guide for me is everything at once, as I avoid part by part.

However, I am playing LoL still, currently testing and vastly improving my Nidalee, Olaf, Volibear, and Jax. Due to quite a bit of inactivity, I've lost a lot of my dominating persona as a top laner, and I've been trying my best whenever I play to improve that, whether in ranked, normals, my team, or friends.

So forgive me for a lack of updates! I've found out a better Nidalee and Olaf build and playstyle, and I have hopes that one day I'll create a Volibear guide, perhaps a Jax guide although I don't really believe I'll get to the latter. Eventually, I'll totally rework the majority of my guides, as well as release my VB guide, hopefully when Winter Break comes up, or before if I'm not swamped.

I still check on my guides from time to time, as well as review guides and check out new guides on specific champions.

Whether my guides fall or rise, unfortunately I won't be able to update it like I did during Summer. I'm still surprised I've recieved 90k+ views on my Alistar guide, and 35k+ on my Olaf guide.