I've been playing Darius top a whole lot to get back into top lane and it has been going pretty well. It seems like in most lanes he has a nice advantage since he deals mixed damage and can capitalize on mistakes pretty well. With Tiamat he is able to clear waves pretty well and with Black cleaver he gets a large chunk of armor ignored. He lacks a real escape and his team fights are a bit odd but Darius is a pretty easy-to-play champ.

So three favorable match-ups that I've had?


Wukong has to be one of the champs which gets the lower end of the stick on this lane every single time. He has a strong engage and can poke you down but . If he does his Nimbus Strike (E) into a Decoy (W) then Darius can simply spin to gain vision of him and land a successful pull. Wukong really can't trade too well against Darius and he can get zoned if Darius places himself between the farm and Wu.


I've read a few forums that say if Garen is played well this can turn into a skill match-up but it still feels like Darius gets the upper-hand in this match up as well. The bleed that Darius' attacks do counters Garen's passive. You can poke him with your Q and stay out of range from his spin. Whenever he spins just be sure not to chase him if he is running away or to go and walk away if he want to damage you.

As for why Garen can potentially win lane if he plays well makes a lot of sense and is totally plausible to me. Garen can disengage very easily by removing your slow with his Decisive strike (Q) and then silencing you and spinning away, a pretty nice way to punish you for chasing him. During trades (or after he gets pulled) he can W and reduce a nice chunk of damage while fighting you.

I've seen numerous Garen recover well from trades and disengage well but in an all in I feel Darius has the edge to the fight.


Singed is a pretty pesky guy to fight. He likes to run around the minions and farms with his poison trail. For abilities it's not much to know: He has a poison trail, he can fling your behind him and he has a sticky zone that slows you down. The main thing is that poison trail, just his signature move that manages to rack up damage from following him or walking into his path. When you engage on him he runs away and when you stop engaging on him he comes in and tosses you over his shoulder, then runs the other way. Back then he used to proxy farm a ton by going between enemy turrets and just chillin, running around and getting some gold.

Really, there isn't enough for me to say about Singed. Unconventional but has some strength to him.

I don't feel it is to necessary to explain how to play against Singed but there are things to really remember. Try not to chase him, if you do make sure you are parallel to him. Try not to let him get between you and your turret or team. If you get tossed be cautious, instead of try to follow him step to the side and get some air. If you can't beat him, don't fight him; He gets incredibly tanky and can easily put you in an unfavorable position with the fling.

Now specifically for Darius you can abuse this match up. Early on you want to hack him down with you Q until he gets low enough for an all in. You can place yourself between him and your minions to deny him farm but be cautious since he can fling and slow you or call for help. If he flings you and you still have you pull go ahead and pull him, you get to avoid his trail and it looks pretty funny playing cat and mouse.

And now for three matchups which I am still trying to play against


I have noticed that Jayce's cannon form is definitely not friendly for a lot of melee top-laners. Because of the range he has on you he can harass you with basic attacks, poke you with a Q or chunk you down by shooting his Q through his Acceleration Gate (E). After a while of poking you down he can execute and go all in by changing to hammer form and burst you down; Q to hop to you and the E to knock you back. He usually can farm with ease in top lane.

Going against Jayce requires a bit of predicting and precision. Keeping your minions between you and him will help protect you against his Q or E-Q combo if he aims it at you. Use the bush to get out of his auto range and try to pull if he tries to Auto you or hit you with his W. Be cautious as he can Q or E-Q into the bush to poke you with damage.

Early Jayce is pretty squishy but once he starts building some armor (if he decides to go bruiser) then it would be better to call for a bit of back-up.


Teemo is one of those annoying champs that counters like two-thirds of the league of legends champions. His blind makes AA reliant champs suffer in agony and his poison is detrimental to those with good health Regen. In addition he gets a reliable speed boost that lets him prance away from danger like nothing every happened, and he can leave those mushrooms in unsuspecting places.

He is a pretty frustrating thing to deal but I have found it possible to get that yordle. Starting with a crystalline flask and 3 potions will help you sustain the early game. You can build Merc threads and hexdrinker to gain some survivability against him. If Teemo makes a mistake in his positioning and allows you to get close enough to him you can do a E-W-Q combo and land good amount of damage on him. You can probably ignite and dunk him afterward to land a kill on him if he is low enough.


This lane is actually one that much closer to a skill match up. Rumble doesn't use mana and can use his abilities moderately against you. You both have a tool to harass eachother with, you can decimate and he can use his flamespitter. He has a shield to mitigate some of the damage you do to him and gives him a speed boost if he wants to engage on you. If he gets a bit of cooldown before you do then he can get his abilities up before you can gets your spin back up. In early game if Rumble chooses to start Cloth armor and 5 health pots it could turn into a tough time. He could also crystalline flask and pots for a start or later to get more sustain through out the laning phase but know that you can kill him as easily as he can kill you.

In this lane I found it useful to just farm against him and build MR early. After you get you Mercs or Hexdrinker you can try to q him when he has his shield down. His flamespitter has more range than your spin and last for a good amount of time. After he gets lower in health and if you are healthy enough to do so you should go for an all in to execute a kill on him.

I haven't fought against Kennen or a Top Kayle but I know they also have an advantage over Darius. Kennen has the range to poke with and when he heavily harasses you can CC into a combo. I can only imagine that Kayle is similar to Teemo in the aspect that she can fight you safely from afar with her E and Q, and with her ult she can possible even negate your Dunk of doom, but until I see how it works several times I'll leave it at that.

So that is it for today, I'll be blogging a bit more about my champion experiences