I've mentioned how I've played Darius for a bit and have gotten better, and just this week I have gone back into ranked play once again. I thought that this stretch into Bronze 4 would be the same as usual but it actually turned out to be better than anything I have seen this whole season. I played Darius and Lucian (when I wasn't able to get top) and it seems like with the practice I gained I started out flopping the competition by a lot. Like more 15 kills, less than five deaths and CS like an AD carry.

It seems like when you play well enough and summoners on both sides notice the game starts to take a turn (in Bronze at least). The enemy Jungler starts to pressure the lane more and gank, along with the Mid-laner if they really need it. Team mates start to follow you around and helping you push, more willingly listen to your ping and suggestion, the game just somewhat feels a bit more like you have a great effect on it.

I think it is somewhat ironic how even though I was carrying (to an extent) the bigger things I was really doing is farming and keeping lanes pushed. Sometimes the enemy gets so tired of trying to fight you and lose the just push and back door, and with a pusher (idk if this term is still used) or an AD carry stopping those pushes lets your team focus on what they feel is needed to win.

And just a bit afterward I almost came to a tilt, but it feel like more of a change in my gameplay rather than a tilt. The first few matches I was able to do well in lane and then after ward I would just roam and push, occasionally go to team fights that I knew were in favor and saving the occasional team member from someone roaming in the jungle. Nobody really complained since I was doing pretty well; after all you can't really say a 6/1 Darius is doing bad. But I noticed that in some games (not all) I was really needed in order to teamfight or clear an objective.

So then came two games which I somewhat did different. The first game I was Darius against a Xin Zhao top, which to me was a match up that was fair in difficulty. I was doing pretty regular in lane but unfortunately our Jungle was AFK and I knew I had to watch for ganks. I basically was able to lane bully him after a while but the enemy jungler ganks and I get behind. I recall, fight Xin kill him the first time but also die.

I return to lane and play it safely since he bought some new toys to torture me with. I tried to trade with him once close to the tower but he was able to out-trade me, soon leading to him hard engaging and successfully diving me. After a few deaths I really wasn't able to push safely because of the pressure of other champs roaming and I couldn't stray from top lane without it getting taken.

We ultimately lose from the pressure and falling behind in gold. That game seemed possible to win but very difficult. The next was one that was definitely winnable but I made several bad decision with lead to my downfall.

I was top Darius against a Teemo, a match up I was familiar with and knew I could win. Laning phase goes completely fine for me, I'm able to pull him and torture him for three kills with ease. The enemy Eve came up to help and she didn't help much, just gave me another kill (ganking on low health, not good for her). I eventually took the enemy turret and decided to roam. Laning phase was fine for me, but not so much for everyone else.

Our bot lane was struggling. A lot, like the enemy AD carry (Varus) was just out-farming ours and was able to take turrets, get a kill or two. Our jungler couldn't help down there, I can tell he tried and was unsuccessful. Our mid roamed there a few times and wasted some time there, eventually leading to a loss in our mid tower.

So to me I have a tactical decision to make which I was unsure about. Do I continue pushing my lane safely and attract attention to me so that they have less pressure? Should I rotate to mid so that I can take less risky farm so that the mid could go down to help them some more? Or should I take a trip down to bot lane and try to help them shut down their ADC and help them push?

Honestly I wasn't sure what to do, and I tried to do a little of each with not much success. I found that I couldn't safely get inhibitor turrets because I would lose vision of too many enemy champs by the time I got to their, only for them to rush there in a pack and then repeat it. I tried then rotating but I didn't have the split push potential to do so, and I found that that would be a mistake with Teemo shrooms all over. That vision of me lead to my death a few times, from someone coming to fight me. Afterwards I said I would fight Varus and shut him down but I had poor positioning and was kited (easily avoidable).

I noticed at some point in the game that I was on tilt. Not so much because of frustration but because I didn't know how to help the team and felt lost in finding a strategy. I became a bit less aware of things and that lead to my downfall that match. I am sure that if I had carefully adapted any one of those three strategies and played it out well enough I would've done much better than being a bit indecisive.