I had my last ranked game about 1 week ago. Before the Volibear patch, i used to play ranked games very often, on the solo/duo queue with a friend of mine.
Since my main pick pre-patch was Udyr jungler, i didnt feel confident enough with the new jungle to get into ranked games so early on. Actually the only game i played after the recent changes was with a jungle Lee Sin (something i had the chance to test very very much these days) and it worked.

The friends i mentioned before tho had another idea. Since they dont jungle AT ALL (or even better, they didnt use to jungle at all) they kept up with the ranked games.
I already wrote my hystory on the forum to compare my experience with the one from the other players: due to trolls, my poor gameplay, rage and stuff, i managed to get above 1k ELO (yes, is possible. Shame on me). After a while i had like a hundred normal games i felt enough confident to take once again the way of the ranking and actually i did it: a 20 winning streak led me to 1275 ELO from the previous 960 in almost a month.

Back to my friends, they were even higher ranked than my, standing around the 1300 mark at the moment of the patch: after the patch they started to play alone or with each other (since i dont play ranked anymore right now) and an impressive streak took all of the slightly above 1200.

Of course, i asked them how they could loose all those games and they told me: "it's like the story they tell about the ELO Hell stuff, in the games there are trolls, leavers, flamers all around, no escape".

Don't know if this is true or if it's only incredible miss fortune ( Miss Fortune ahaha, anyone? No?) but this thing and the new jungler are right now keep me far far away from the raked games button :)

gl & hf everyone