So today was the very first day of playing with the team and I have to say they are all good players. We all have good synergy and communication. Our very first matched we dominated the competition, of course I carried as Renekton no big deal...just kidding. Anyways, we lacked communication a tad bit first match but still turned out on top. Second game we were having a rough time beginning of the game. I had gotten first blooded by udyr which didn't turn out as bad as I thought. Although vayne got a little fed early on she decided it was a good idea to throw the game. Basically we secured objectives Dragon, Baron, and towers. That game we had very good synergy and communication and a pretty nice team comp. That was it for the 1st day of playing and hopefully we can improve and learn from our mistakes for the upcoming sunday tournaments we have planned. I promise blogs in the future will be longer.