Got placed in solo/duo queue ranked, Bronze III. About what I expected. One of my friends who is sometimes a teammate... well frankly very often a teammate, got placed in Bronze V. Hoping we'll run some games together to get better.

My average scores have increased a good bit, but I'm still running negative circa 50% of the time and only going even for most of the other time. I still have this tendency towards a hundred assists, I need to figure out why I don't deal teh damages and get teh kills. I mean beyond the "You Suck, HABIT" bit. Because that's obvious.

Last few normal or ranked game scores:

1/2/4 Xin Zhao (As a free champ I tried him two days ago, love him, he's my next target to buy.)
1/8/1 Jax
2/3/6 Jax
5/9/11 Xin
4/1/11 Xin
0/4/10 Taric

Okay, so apparently going negative far more than 50% of the time. Either way, it's well documented I blow.

I enjoy me some Xin Zhao though, I have gone very well with him in a couple of games. Xin, Lux and Ez continue to be my preferred champs. Mid still my preferred lane, but been forced to top a lot lately.