So after a long grind I finally made it to Gold 4. I basically cut out every single champion and became a Veigar main playing him ~70% of the time and only had Lux and Neeko as back ups. I ended with a 65% WR on Veigar and boy am I happy. I think I might be able to climb higher since I have a 70% WR in my last 20 games, but I'm honestly happy and I'm going to stick since it's so close to the end of the season.

Next season I think I'll be aiming to make it into Platinum. I think I'll expand my champion pool like I was previously thinking, but I'm going to limit it to Veigar, Neeko and Vel'Koz in the mid lane, Karthus and Taliyah in the Jungle. Hopefully this'll put me in good stead for the season to come and if things go really well I might consider adding one or two other champions but for now I think a total of 5 is more than enough.

Good luck to everyone else grinding, I'll be sticking here (over the moon) at Gold IV!