Lately I have been doing really good in ranked. Over the past few months I have really felt myself become invested into League of Legends and drastically getting better. I am pulling myself out of the ignorant slump of a baddie, ex-rager that use to be me. You see when I first turned level 30 I was really excited about playing ranked. It's all my friend ever talked about "It's so much more challenging, now that I played ranked normals will never be the same." he reveled. So the day I turned level 30, I joined a ranked queue and called top lane. Well some other guy told me sorry that he was going top and the concept of "order > call," I raged so hard at that guy. Calling him a d-bag and an a-hole. I proceeded to take top and he went support or something. The whole game I spent paying attention to everyone else. Not noticing I was falling behind and losing my lane which I would later blame on my jungler. Looking back on it now I realized I was the d-bag and the a-hole. I thought I had some kind of right because I played exclusively top lane and was to ignorant to learn a new role. Well to make a too long of a story short, this proceeded. I went into a game, did bad, and raged at everyone else. Then one day I found myself talking with a guy after a game I had just got of a ranked with, I was going off about how our adc was a noob and this and that. And they guy had the most simple response that changed me on the spot. "lol you wen't 0/4?" I then took a break from league. Soon, I learned about the pro LoL circuit and watched numerous interviews on pro players. (I <3 Wickd!) I soon logged back on after about a two week break. I dedicated all my free time to League. More specifically top lane. I would go through each champion and practice them. I thought about ward placement, last hitting, freezing, aggression, counters, kiting, tradeing, proxying, drawing attention, what to do in team fights. I spent so much time in normals just practicing. I was also working on my attitude. With the philosophy, people make mistakes, people have bad games. I convinced myself that if I did good in my lane, and tried my hardest in teamfights no matter how fed the other team was. Then I had nothing to be angry about. I dedicated to playing smarter, more clever, and optimistically. AND I HAVE GOTTEN DRASTICALLY BETTER!!! But I had still had that huge slump of **** games. Now I'm realizing that I'm playing with people now that are just like I was. I wish we could have an Elo reset, sort of like the returns. This way I could play ranked now, when I'm much better instead of climbing out of a pit cause by the ignorant, juvenile, toxic player I use to be. Well I am currently 40 wins to 41 losses and have come a long way. I would like to say a sincere sorry to the community. I was the 1%, the 1% of douchebag ragers. The toxic side of the community that turns people away from this game. I am very happy I have changed and I hope I can continue to have success in ranked. Thank you to that guy that made me wake up, who I deleted in rage lol :P Good Luck, Have Fun ALL!