Hello its me again, MyBloodisBlack with a important announcement

I am in the process of purchasing a game capture card and when I finally get it I will be using it to broadcast a brand new Youtube channel called Gaming RageQuit where I will be going through each champion trying them out like a complete newbie and commenting on how I feel I did and how much fun the champion is to play as a newcomer to Legend of Legends.

Now I am sure others are already doing this but I am hoping that I can add a bit more to all this by not actually having a real clue how to actually play as the champion and videoing my attempts to get to grips with them, pointing out where I personally feel the champion strength and weaknesses are and to have a good laugh with it all.

hopefully you guys will like it and perhaps see me improve as a summoner whilst I play, Be sure to watch the first episode at least when I get around to it where I will be playing SORAKA since I am already firmular with her so I might as well get her out of the way.