Everyone has been asked this before - Could League of Legends actually work as an Console game complete with controller and 99% of the time the answer given is a guaranteed NO but I want push this one further...Lets say that Riot turned around one day and said "We have decided to do a console version of League of Legends and we want you guys to help us make sure we bring the best product possible".

And theres no "If we don't answer they won't make it" - it is a case of "if no one speaks we make it anyways, the game sucks, it ruins League of Legends and it all disappears in a few years due to lack of interest" kind of thing.

Well I have thought about it and I feel I have come up with a way that League of Legends could actually be turned into a legitimate Console game and here is how (And I apologize if I seem to ramble on)


OK I am going to talk about this as if it became a PS4 exclusive but I am sure someone will be able to translate it on an Xbox controller as some point

Firstly the movement which will be by the L3 button, this will give the player 360 movement similar to that of the typical mouse

The Camera will be worked in two ways - For those who prefer free camera they can control it with the R3 stick and those who prefer Locked camera merely need to press the R3 in to lock/unlock.

The Abilities will of course be worked by the Cross, Square, Circle and Triangle and will work the same way as you would normally do with any other abilities like for example Varus Piercing Arrow will require the button to be held down to power up.

stuff like toggling auto attack on and off, the store, locking onto different enemies etc will be down by the shoulder buttons L1, L2, R1 and R2

When it comes to the items that have an activation I had to think long and hard but in the end I decided that there is rarely more than 4 activation items in any build so I thought a good thing to use would be the D Pad up, down, left or right.

and of course the start button will bring up the in-game menu so you can change you buttons setup, rearrange items etc whilst the select button will allow you to decide to leave a game or to request a surrender.

As for the Shop this may be one of the hardest parts to bring to a console without a keyboard so this may have to be changed so that you have one tab saying Attack Damage, Ability Power which can be toggled though with the L1 and L2 buttons and another that is A-Z that is worked by the R1 and R2 button whilst you use either the D-Pad or the L3 stick to go through the list and then select the item with X.

Those looking to sell an item though just need to press, lets say Circle to take it down to your items and the select the item you wanna sell with the X button (this will also have a "Are you sure?") message to hopefully stop any accidentally selling.


The Game would be similar to the PC version but also totally different

You would have the same maps like Twisted Treeline, Howling Abyss and of course Summoners Rift
You play to earn points which you can use to buy champions and Runes
You can play against Bots or against others online

One part of this game will be that it will be both one player and multiplayer so if you have this game but no internet then its cool you can set up a game with yourself and a team of 4 bots to challenge 5 other bots ranging from beginner level to extreme level.

The biggest difference is as a console game and with the chance it may not be played online, Players will be able to unlock certain skins with the points that they have earnt but of course not all of them as some will require online participant or purchase with real money to get some of the more cooler skins or even some "Console Exclusive" stuff which should be possible.

In the main menu you have the option to edit your rune pages, now for fairness I think its OK to have 20 rune pages and 20 mastery pages from the beginning instead of having to purchase more Rune pages.

Setting up both the rune page and mastery page would be simple enough - You select the slot, you pick the rune that you wish, you can then decide how many you wanna put down and you confirm.

Finally the key question, Would there be RANKED and the answer would of course be absolutely yes however it will not be the same as normal Ranked due it being on a totally different system however if the game worked out well there's always a chance that you could have an LCS with the PC version and one with the console one day in the future.


Of course I am not saying I have all aspect of this blog covered because there are two issues that would need to be addressed

One is of course Team speak, Now the best I can come up with is either plugging a Keyboard into your console or using a Headset to communicate but I would love to hear any ideas

The second issue which may prove to be the biggest problem is Pinging - I have absolutely no ideas on how to get this to work without it being overly complicated like
-Press and Hold L3
-Move the L3 to the desired ping
-Using R3 stick to desired location for ping
-Release L3 to confirm

Its far to complicated but may be the only means to get around this

Anyways thank you for reading my blog, hopefully you found it interesting and entertaining and of course if you would like to leave your comments, ideas etc in the section below then by all means do so - I would love to hear from you.

Until next time - This is me Signing off....Psssh